Italian folk songs comprise of different influences from different regions who come from the people. This is because national unification took place after a very long time due to the different cultures remained un-homogenized, have the function of folk music on the geographical positioning. In general, Italian folk music has a very deep and complex history.
Italy's folk music is in different geographical areas of influence that is divided into North,Central, South, Sicily and Sardinia.
Northern and central Italy, folk songs:
The population in the north of Italy won their music from their roots. In the past, the region issued Celtic and Slavic influences in their culture. He managed to songs from the areas of Piedmont and Lombardy. The city of Genoa is known as the home of the "Trallalero" which is a form of music where a polyphonic vocal style is done with the help of five votes, in which leading voicesimitates a guitar.
Northern and central Italy for the medieval sung poetry as a "known Ottava Rima. This will be carried out by the 'Poets Contadini "or the" peasant "poets", the use of mainly poetry of the Greek poet Homer or the famous Italian poet Dante. These poems were characterized generally by modern songs, political or social issues. Of all the poetry that is to be in Italy, Tuscany folk literature exists that the next in the form and style of the highCulture poetry.
Southern folk songs:
Folk musical traditions of southern Italy includes religious music. The songs are rhythms, which depends depends on the nature of the disease. A famous folk as the "Tarantella" is performed to cure the bite of the "Lycosa Tarantula." In such a dancer her self-exhausted, to be used by you and the rhythm of the music and songs unique to the exact type of spider. The region of Puglia is the home of a very few brassBands, working in collaboration with jazz musicians.
Sicilian folk songs:
Sicily has many music and is compatible with a wide range of Christian religious music, includes the "Cappella" devotional songs, a form of music where the singer sings without instrumental accompaniment included. There are many brass bands, to play the songs from different repertoire. Are Sicilian music includes songs and songs of the harvest, the work devoted to agricultureCountry.
Sicily's historical ties with the Italian mainland and in earlier times, with the Greeks, Normans, French and Spanish to make his music diverse. For this reason, there is a unique fusion of musical elements on the island.
Sardinian folk song:
Sardinia is the cultural differences of all regions in Italy. This isolated island is better for the 'tenors' vocal polyphony known. Gozo' and 'Spiritual Songs "Launeddas' - basically a wind instrument, the wood is aType of triple clarinet will play certain complex kind of music that reached in the course of time international attention. It may, with the help of extensive variations on a few melodic phrases, which lasts for a single song could be applied for about an hour to play.
The "Otava" is an eight-verse and is a frequent form of texts in Sardinia. This type of variation allows an actor or a singer that a degree of improvisation.
The rural song of the "tenors"In polyphonic sound is in four parts, the voice sung Bassu "or bass mesa, 'Boghe" or in the middle, "Contra" or a counter and' Bhog 'or the director and singer.
The sacred "Gozo", or the sacred songs are heard during religious celebrations.
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